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Nottingham Primary Parliament COP26
Our school was one of eight schools chosen from Nottingham City, with ONLY four children from each school, to share their ideas on how to make Nottingham City 'greener.' We were joined by people from the council, Ignite Future representative and researchers from the University of Nottingham. The children wrote the front page for 'The Notts News' as their future selves in 2028, looking back at their suggestions from 2021.They decided to base their 'green machine' design around reducing the spread of diseases due to climate change.Our expert helper was Henry from the University of Nottingham. The children LOVED that their ideas were what mattered and they took ownership of the task they were given.
After all, their ideas will help Nottingham become greener! They presented their 'green machines' to all the other children, teachers, researchers and councillor Shagufta. Their work will be displayed in Nottingham City Centre, in a shop on Bridlesmith Gate, for the next three months. Each school was gifted with David Attenborough's amazing book called: 'Our Planet.'
In the following weeks after the trip, the children worked on putting a PowerPoint presentation together so that they could share their experience with the rest of the year 5 children.
Huge thank you to Mrs Fazal who organised the trip and for her dedication to the cause and developing children's leadership skills.