Behaviour Management at Rosslyn Park
Rosslyn Values
Our values cover all aspects of behaviour and are the basis of all discussions with children about their behaviour. Children are reminded of these values frequently and should understand what they mean through discussions with teachers, teaching assistants and any other staff that support them.
Behaviour Policy – Guiding Principles
§To develop in pupils a sense of self-discipline, a proper regard for authority and acceptance of responsibility for their own actions.
§To prevent bullying among pupils.
§To ensure pupils can benefit from all the learning opportunities planned and provided for them.
§To regulate the conduct of all pupils.
§To establish and maintain a consistent and fair approach
§To provide a relevant and appropriate curriculum,
§To support pupils who find it difficult to manage their behaviour through appropriate provision.
§To ensure all staff can play an active role
Please see the policy section for the full policy.
Our Rewards
§Class Dojo
§House Points
§Values Certificates
§Golden Time
§End of term rewards
Our Sanctions
§Step system for inappropriate class behaviour
§Detention at lunchtime
§Withdrawal of privileges
§After school detention.
§Isolation for a part or full day in another class.
§Education off-site at another school within the Transform Trust
§In extreme cases, permanent exclusion
Support Available
Pupils who find it difficult to manage their behaviour will be supported through appropriate provision:
•Direct work with the Behaviour Lead or Mentor
•ELSA referral
•Place 2 Be referral
•Reasonable adjustments to the daily timetable
•SEMH meeting
•Referral to Transform Enhanced Provision Panel
•Referral to Local Authority services